May 2015 2nd RENESENG Workshop (DTU, Copenhagen)
in Press Desk
The 2nd workshop for RENESENG took place at DTU in Copenhagen, from 27th to 31st of March, 2015 and the 2nd of June 2015, as a Reneseng special session in PSE2015/ESCAPE25.
Biorefinerymodeling:state-of-the-arttools inflowsheeting,propertymodeling, synthesis and optimization
Training andhands-onsessions to useandto integratemodeling environments
The Workshop aims attransfusing intothe studyof Biorefineriesthose Process SystemsEngineeringtools, which havealready been successfulin the traditional chemicalandpetrochemicalindustry.
Participants willbenefit from a packed programmeand an impressive range of activities:industrialvisits, visitsto localBRISK facilities,introductory lecturesby seasoned professionalson PSE tools,authoritativehigh-levellectureson PSEand Biorefineries,allframed bytheHans ChristianAndersen magicof Copenhagen and ampletimefor networking.
Proceedings fuse into the ensuing PSE2015 /ESCAPE25 conference, where the
RENESENG Projectwillhold a specialtechnicalsession in themorningof Monday
1stJune and willbe accessiblein its dedicatedexhibitionbooth throughoutthe conference.Look here for thefullprogramof thePSE2015/ ESCAPE25Conference.
The Workshopisopen to non-RENESENGresearchersand interestedpartiesat anominalfee, tocover participation,materialto be distributed,meals,and transportationto/fromindustrialvisits. Accommodation,travelto/fromCopenhagen andparticipationto thePSE2015/ ESCAPE25 conferencewillnotbe covered.
The fullworkshop offers 34 hours of study and counts as one (1) ECTS credit. Proceedingsof the Workshop willbe webcast.
TheWorkshop is organizedby the NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens with the valuablehelp of theDenmarkTechnicalUniversity as the localhosts. For further information,please,contact:Mrs. KonstantinaKosmidou,tel. +30.694.821.4300,,
Howto getthere &AccommodationTips
27—31 MAY+ 2 JUNE 2015, DTU Chemical Engineering, Soltofts Plads, Building 227, Room 221, Lyngby, 2800-DK
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2015 | ||
08.00 AM | 08.30 AM | Reception – Registration |
08.30 AM | 08.45 AM | Introductory remarks (NTUA) |
08.45 AM | 11.45 AM | Bioprocess flowsheeting using ASPEN(NTUA) |
11.45 AM | 12.00 PM | Break |
12.00 PM | 13.00 PM | Modelling Bioprocesses with gProms (IC/ NTUA) |
13.00 PM | 13.15 PM | Working Lunch in Room 221 |
13.15 PM | 15.00 PM | Modelling Bioprocesses (cont’d) |
15.00 PM | 16.00 PM | Visit to Entrained Flow Reactor ( BRISK Facility) |
16.00 PM | 18.00 PM | Modelling Bioprocesses with SuperPro Webinar (INTELLIGEN) |
18.00 PM | 19.00 PM | Closure |
19.00 PM | Workshop Dinner |
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 | ||
09.00 AM | 11.00 AM | Property modelling for bio-based process design (DTU, DK) |
11.00 AM | 11.15 AM | Break |
11.15 AM | 13.00 PM | Property modelling (DTU, DK) |
13.00 PM | 13.30 PM | Lunch in Room |
13.30 PM | 14.00 PM | Transfer from DTU to Biogasol (Lautrupvang 2A DK-2750 Ballerup, DK) |
14.00 PM | 14.10 PM | Welcome |
14.10 PM | 14.50 PM | Grp. 1: Presentation of company and technology Grp. 2: Tour of the facilities |
14.50 PM | 15.30 PM | Grp. 1: Tour of the facilities Grp. 2: Presentation |
15.30 PM | 16.00 PM | General discussion, wrap-up |
16.00 PM | 17:00 PM | Departure from Biogasol to DTU |
17:00 PM | 19.00 PM | Researchers‘ Roundtable (NTUA) |
19.00 PM | Closure |
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015 | ||
08.30 AM | 10.00 AM | Transportation to Kalundborg Pickup at Kongens Nytory, 1050 København K (opposite baresso coffee & fiat restaurant) |
10.00 AM | 11.30 AM | Kalundborg Forsyning (Dokhavnsvej 15, 4400 Kalundborg) Presentation by Lars Sørensen |
11.30 AM | 11.45 PM | Transportation |
11.45 PM | 13.15 PM | Welcome to Symbiosis Centre (Hareskovvej 14, 4400 Kalundborg) Presentation by Berndt Jespersen |
13.15 PM | 13.45 | Lunch at Symbiosis Centre |
13.45 PM | 14.00 PM | Transportation |
14.00 PM | 16.00 PM | DONG Energy (Asnæsvej 16, 4400 Kalundborg) Presentation by Ib Hansen |
16.00 PM | 17.00 PM | Departure to DTU |
17.00 PM | 19.00 PM | Researchers’ Roundtable |
19.00 PM | Closure |
SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 | ||
08.30 AM | 10.30 AM | Integrating models with CAPE-OPEN (CoLan) |
10.30 AM | 11.00 AM | Break |
11.00 AM | 13.00 PM | Integrating models with CAPE-OPEN (CoLan) |
13.00 PM | 14.30 PM | Lunch in Room 221 Invited Speakers |
14.30 PM | 15.00 PM | Sustainability and biorenewables, Y. Huang (USA) |
15.00 PM | 15.30 PM | Modelling of complete WtE plants, J Sandvig (DK) |
15.30 PM | 16.00 PM | Break |
16.00 PM | 16.30 PM | The Biovalue Programme, I. Johannsen (DK) |
16.30 PM | 17.00 PM | Biomass Perspectives, M. Martin (ES) and I.E.Grossman (USA) |
17.00 PM | 17.30 PM | Superstructure optimization for biorefineries, R. Gani (DK) |
17.30 PM | 18.30 PM | Closure |
18.30 PM | 20.00 PM | RENESENG Partners & Invited Speakers’ Dinner |
20.00 PM | 20.30 PM | Transportation to restaurant |
20.30 PM | Dinner |
SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 | ||
09.00 AM | 10.30 AM | Advanced flowsheeting using CAPE-OPEN (CoLan) |
10.30 AM | 10.45 AM | Break |
10.45 AM | 13.00 PM | Advanced flowsheeting (CoLan) |
13.00 PM | 14.00 PM | Lunch in Room 221 |
14.00 PM | 15.00 PM | Biorefinery Synthesis (NTUA) |
15.00 PM | 16.00 PM | Ontology Engineering (UoS) |
16.00 PM | 16.30 PM | Closure |
16.30 PM | 18.00 PM | Transportation to PSE/ESCAPE Conference |
18.00 PM | (PSE/ESCAPE Reception) |
TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 | ||
13.00 PM | 14.40 AM |
RENESENG Session in PSE2015/ESCAPE25 Chaired by Prof A. Kokossis, NTUA Giarola, Romain, Williams, Hallett, Shah, (IC), Production of phthalic anhydride from biore - newables: process design Gargalo, Sin, (DTU), Sustainable Process Design under uncertainty analysis: targeting environ - mental indicators Koo, Cecelja (UoS), Model Integration Using Ontology Input-Output Matching Karka , Papadokonstantakis , Hungerbühler Kokossis, (NTUA, CUT, ETH), Life Cycle Assess - ment of Biorefinery Products Based on Different Allocation Approaches Panayiotou, Mountraki, Kokossis, (NTUA), Synthesis and Design of Multiphase Reactors |
14.40 PM | Closure of Session and Workshop |